Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Dear Parents:

I am your child’s 8th grade teacher, and I am delighted to have your child in my class this year. I am looking forward to a very successful year and I know you are too. I have high expectations for your child and I will do all that I can to help your child achieve those expectations.

You can help. I will be expecting all work assigned in class to be completed. Of course, all children do not work at the same pace. Some children will get their work done in class and some will not. If your child does not complete an assignment in class, he or she will be required to complete it at home. The way you can help is to ask your child every school day if schoolwork needs to be done, and if so, make sure your child completes the assignment.  Major assignments will be put up on my blog:


As a way to keep you more up to date on the events taking place in our classroom, I would like to introduce you to Remind 101! Remind 101 is a free messaging system that will allow me to send out text message reminders to those parents/students who choose to subscribe. Here’s how it works …

  1. If you choose to subscribe, text our class code: @mskevan to (450) 497-0275. Long distance does not apply. (Please note: This is not my personal phone number but simply the number that has been assigned to our class. You will not be able to respond to any messages you receive, nor will I be able to see your cellphone number.)
  2. You should then receive a text message that states the following. “Thanks! Ms. Kevan needs to know who you are. Please reply with your full name. Note: The name you send will be saved and used for all future classes.”


  1. The End J You will now automatically be updated with classroom reminders! This is such a great tool for me as it saves time AND trees by cutting down on typing up notes, printing them off, and making copies!

If you have any questions about Remind 101 feel free to email me at  

Supplies Needed: All Classes will require Pens, Pencil crayons, a few glue sticks, pencils, scissors. In regards to specialized materials:

 Modified English
Modified History
*1 One inch binder Labeled resource and student name to be kept in Resource room.
*Two 80 page Hilroys.
3 x 80 page hilroy (not with the rip-outpages please..these fall apart!)
1X 1.5” binder Labeled English
*3 Bristol Boards
1X 1.5” binder Labeled History.