Wednesday, April 30, 2014

GEO: Grade 7:
extension: Animal presentation due tomorrow!

Monday, April 14, 2014



Section 1

  1. Name of ocean animal
  2. Scientific name of ocean animal (we will talk about this )
  3. What does it look like?
  4. Is it a mammal? Reptile? Fish? Invertebrate?
  5. Size (Length and weight) Color
  6. Body Features
  7. Any interesting “talents” or characteristics


Section 2

  1. In what ocean or oceans is your animal found?
  2. What is the water temperature where your animal lives?
  3. At what water depth does your ocean animal live?
  4. What does your animal eat and how does your animal get its food?


Section 3

  1. Does this animal lay eggs or have live young or something else?
  2. Provide details on how this animal cares for its young (if it does) and what the babies are like?
  3. Who are the enemies of your animal?
  4. What animals eat your ocean animal?
  5. How does your animal defend itself?
  6. Other interesting facts, such as: 
  7. Is your animal endangered or threatened?
  8. How many of are there surviving? (population)
  9. Are people a threat to this animal?

Section 4


  1. What is your opinion of your ocean animal?
  2. Why do you feel like you do? Explain your opinion.


Pictures: Please include: A world map with areas where your ocean animal lives marked. A map will be provided. Suggestion : You can use a highlighter or colored pencil to shade the area where the animal lives.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Upcoming English Assignments April/May.

We will be starting to read the book THE OUTSIDERS in Grade 7, and THE BOY IN THE STRIPED PAJAMAS in Grade 8 on April 14th for a 4 week periodDuring this time, students will have the following small assignments...

1. Design a new book cover. Explain what your book cover means and why your book cover is better. 

2.Compare the lifestyles of the characters in the novel with you or your family. 
3. Write a newspaper revolving around the novel. Be sure it looks like a newspaper.  

4. Create a board game using details and characters from the story. MINIMUM 15
cards w/questions and answers.    (GRADE 7s ONLY)
5. Make a sequential time chart of the most important events in the story. You can do the chart in any form (straight line, roller coaster, circle, etc.) Hand in a typed list of events along with the chart .

6. Describe the happiest, saddest, and most exciting parts of the novel using the "Three Es" process from class.